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Building safe and healthy textile and construction supply chains in Madagascar

The Vision Zero Fund project in Madagascar increased OSH awareness in the lychee supply chain and currently strives to make similar strides in the textile sector. We focus on building national capacities, notably those of the labour inspectorate. Applying the learnings from its initiatives in these two industries, the project will expand its scope of work from this year to include the construction sector.

The Vision Zero Fund’s response to COVID-19 in Madagascar centered around training key stakeholders.


  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Garment & Textiles



January 2020–December 2022

Development partners

France and Germany

Project code

Phase 2 MDG/19/51/MUL, GLO/20/59/FRA – Phase I GLO/18/58/FRA, MDG/17/50/FRA

Textile Supply Chain

Madagascar’s textile exports have been increasing every year and currently makes up 20% of the country’s total exports. More than 170,000 people work in this industry which represents 30% of all formal employment in Madagascar. Workers often have little knowledge of the occupational risks in this industry, making it difficult to implement preventative measures. Common risks and hazards include repetitive movements, exposure to chemical products, contact with animals, and falls from heights. Workers are also not covered by the national social security system. This means that when workers are injured or contract diseases in the workplace, they face losing their only source of income.

Over 500

employers and


workers were registered

under the national

social security fund

  • Social dialogue on OSH established at national and sectoral levels
  • Entire Malagasy labour inspectorate trained on OSH issues
  • Developed five-year plan of action to facilitate joint action by stakeholders

With Vision Zero Fund’s support, labour inspectors now have the knowledge and skills to conduct effective OSH inspections throughout the country.

Lychee Supply Chain

Madagascar is one of the top five producers of lychees in the world, and the largest producer in the southern hemisphere. Around 74,000 people work in the lychee supply chain. Many of these workers are in informal employment and do not benefit from social protection or health surveillance. Common OSH hazards in this industry include falling from heights, insect bites, carrying heavy loads, exposure to sulfur, falling objects, and road accidents.



seasonal worker

registered for OSH

medical services

  • Standardized first aid kits introduced in plantations
  • OSH management system established on farms and in processing plants

As a result of our efforts to increase awareness around OSH, more employers voluntarily began to enroll their workers in occupational medical services. Employers and workers also adopted more good practices around recording accidents and analysing risk. Management level staff were given increased OSH training and workers were given safer equipment.

Building on this momentum, local stakeholders proposed to create a model good conduct code to better promote OSH in the lychee supply chain.

Construction Chain

From 2021, the Vision Zero Fund will expand its scope of work in Madagascar to include the construction sector. We will apply the same methodology used in the textile and lychee supply chains and will first begin with an assessment of the drivers and constraints of OSH compliance in the industry. The project will also conduct a study on the impact of masculinity on OSH in the construction sector in Madagascar in order to design intervention that will reduce discrimination between men and women and improve OSH conditions.

Expected Outcomes

The project will strengthen the national framework on OSH and will introduce mechanisms to improve OSH on construction sites, including in the informal economy.