About us
Each morning, somewhere in the world, 1,000 people leave home for work and don’t come back. An additional 6,500 people die every day from work-related diseases.
These are the people who make our clothes. Grow the beans for our coffee. Construct the buildings in which we live and work. They need safe, healthy workplaces. They deserve our shared commitment to improving health and safety up and down the global supply chain.
We are here to be the catalyst that makes this happen.
Focused on making improvements in-country, in partnership with governments, employers and workers, we provide the data-driven guidance and support of a global alliance of experts in worker safety and health. This approach is the only effective way to create real change locally on a global scale.
Our team has conducted OSH trainings for more than 900 managers in Ethiopia, promoted knowledge exchange among key national stakeholders working in the coffee supply chains of Latin America and increased access to enhanced employment injury insurance for 198,000 garment workers in Myanmar. Collectively, in just five years, our work has helped to improve the health and safety of more than 5.6 million workers worldwide.
Our #CoffeePeople
campaign reached
25M people
on social media.
Our efforts have
enhanced health
and safety for
workers globally.
Curious about who’s driving the Vision Zero Fund forward? Our team is a dynamic mix of dedicated professionals from around the globe, working together to advance safety and health in supply chains. Each member brings unique expertise and a shared commitment to a world free of work-related accidents and illnesses. Discover the faces and stories of those making our mission a reality.

Through the ILO’s Safety and Health for All flagship programme, and with the support of the G7 and G20, we have the resources, access, influence, and mandate to drive meaningful and sustainable progress. The Fund is guided by a global Advisory Committee and a decision-making Steering Committee, ensuring strategic direction and effective governance.”
With the backing of these global organizations, we can marshal the right players globally and locally to work collaboratively and productively to improve occupational safety and health. We thank our donors for their trust and long-term commitment in building safe and healthy supply chains.